英国东北大学学生Katie Bergin的照片

正规澳门赌场网络的社区氛围非常冷淡. [The students] are not uptight which allows for a lot of people to feel welcome and vibe with each other.

photo of Paige Mason outside by a house

正规澳门赌场网络就像家一样. 我真的很喜欢这个小学校.

Public 健康, Nutrition, Applied Nutrition, Dietetics Focus
Headshot of U N E student Jared Benoit

正规澳门赌场网络有很强的社区意识. We are all very friendly and genuinely care about each other. 当人们问你过得怎么样的时候, they are not just expecting ‘good’ as a response – they want to get to know you.

职业研究/ Pre-OT
Headshot of U N E student Kaleigh Walsh

这里真的感觉像是一个社区. It's not too big of a school, but not too small. Everyone sort of knows everyone, which I really appreciate. Because of the tight-knit community, everyone here cares and looks out for each other.

职业研究/ Pre-OT
Headshot of U N E student Summer Moukalled

Everyone from our professors to the students have been phenomenal. Right off the bat, I just felt very welcomed in the COM community.

Headshot of U N E student Viriginia May

When I toured UNE, the campus was just so gorgeous and the location is just amazing. 除此之外, I could just tell that the community and atmosphere would be a place that I wanted to study.


UNE是非常包容的. Even if you feel left out, if you just take that first step, you have many options …to meet people.

Headshot of U N E student Chase Walter

As much as I would love to give myself all that credit, it’s definitely my peers and my professors that helped foster my growth at UNE.

Headshot of U N E student Anika Koopman

这里的环境很棒. Everyone's very nice and they're willing to help you get to your career goals.

Applied Social and Cultural Studies, Neuroscience

The past four years have been the most amazing experience I’ve ever had and I would not trade this for anything. 我很高兴我选择了来这里. 我喜欢我们社区的亲密关系.

Animal Behavior, Mental 健康 Rehabilitation
东北大学学生Aryn Morgan的大头照

人 are always willing to meet up outside of class to go over things. Even though we are a big class, I feel like I’m connected with everyone.

Headshot of U N E student Jeremiah Martinez

你一定会爱上正规澳门赌场网络. 美丽的校园,美丽的人. 每个人都很热情,很开心.


The first thing that stuck out to me when I toured UNE was the friendliness of the staff and the close integration of the students. Compared to other campuses that I visited, the students here were the nicest and friendliest.

历史, 政治科学, 全球 Studies

The first thing that stuck out to me when I toured UNE was the friendliness of the staff and the close integration of the students. Compared to other campuses that I visited, the students here were the nicest and friendliest.

历史, 政治科学, 全球 Studies
Luke Colomey stands against a brick wall and smiles directly at the camera

Everyone is really friendly and willing to help out and collaborate. Through my experiences with classes, clubs, intramural sports…it’s all been so open and welcoming. There is a really good air on campus all the time.

工商管理, English, 政治科学
Ali Ross stands smiling against a blue background
The people at UNE are the kindest people. I could tell right away that it was a place I wanted to be.

I feel like everyone here actually cares about each other and is willing to help each other out. It’s a really homey, welcoming community.

Communications and Media Arts, English, Writing
UNE always struck me as a remarkable place because students are earnest and hardworking and nice to each other in a unique way.
Rebecca Kryceski stands in the blue city of Chefchaouen
I just fell in love with the community here at UNE. I wanted a place where everyone knows each other, and that’s what I found.
职业研究/ Pre-OT

The English department at UNE may be small, but that is what I love about it. 十多年后, I still have relationships with my professors who have become lifelong mentors that I continually turn to for advice and they are always willing to support me.


[The UNE community is] really inclusive. We have an awesome program where we're not ranked, so we're not competitive. We’re all trying to make sure that we are all succeeding.

医学生物学(医学科学), 骨科医学(D.O.)