Professor of Psychology
Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral 科学s
I am broadly interested in studying negative emotionality and pain using behavioral neuroscience techniques using a developmental lens. I enjoy teaching at both the introductory and upper levels.
- 动物行为
- Animal learning and behavior
- 焦虑
- 抑郁症
- 神经科学
- 疼痛
University of Delaware (Newark, )
My lab is currently investigating the long-term consquences of neonatal pain and stress on subsequent fear, 焦虑和痛苦.
Full publication record found here: http://scholar.谷歌.com/citations?用户= 3 ctx5gqaaaaj&hl = en
戴维斯年代., 大米、米.Rudlong, J. 伊顿,V.——T国王.,缅甸,M.A. (2018). Neonatal pain and stress disrupts later-life pavlovian fear condiitioning and sensory function in rats: Evidence for a two-hit model. Developmental Psychobiology. 60. 520-533.
缅甸人,米.A, Szolusha K.,绑定,R.克尼,K.Boger, D. & Bilsky E. (2016). FAAH Inhibitor OL-135 Disrupts Contextual, but not Auditory, 恐惧 Conditioning in Rats. Behavioural 大脑 研究. 308, 1-5
交易,.L.; Erickson, K.J.; 突然的年代.I. & 缅甸人,米.A. (2016). Limbic system development underlies the emergence of classical fear conditioning during the 3rd and 4th weeks of life in the rat. Behavioral 神经科学
交易,.L.埃里克森,K.J.比尔斯基,E.J.希尔曼,南卡罗来纳州.J. & 缅甸人,米.A. (2014). K-12 神经科学 education outreach program: Interactive activities for educating students about neuroscience. Journal of Undergraduate 神经科学 教育 (JUNE).
缅甸人,米.A.埃里克森,K.J.成交,成交,A.L. & 雅各布森,R.E. (2014) Contextual and Auditory 恐惧 Conditioning Continue to Emerge during the Periweaning Period in Rats. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100807. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0100807.
缅甸人,米.A., 西蒙斯,C.A.休斯,M。., 雷,我. (2014). Developing and validating trace fear conditioning protocols in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of neuroscience methods 222, 111-117.
福斯特,J. A.,缅甸,M.A. (2010). Evidence for Hippocampus-Dependent Contextual Learning at Postnatal Day 17 in the Rat. 学习与记忆. 17(5):259-66
缅甸人,米.A.汉密尔顿,K。.L., & Gewirtz J.C. (2010). The Role of Corticosterone in Trace and Delay Conditioned 恐惧-Potentiated Startle in Rats. Behavioral 神经科学. 24(2):294-9
缅甸人,米.A.纽约州穆拉斯基.J., Schiffino F.L.罗森,J.斯坦顿,M.E. (2009). Factors governing single-trial contextual fear conditioning in the weanling rat. Behavioral 神经科学. 123(5), 1148-1152.
布朗,K. L.,缅甸,M. A., Duong H. B., & 斯坦顿,M. E. (2009). Neonatal binge alcohol exposure produces dose dependent deficits in interstimulus interval discrimination eyeblink conditioning in juvenile rats. 大脑 Res, 1248, 162-175.
缅甸人,米.A., Gewirtz J.C. (2007). 海马的活动, 但不是可塑性, is required for fear conditioning with a short trace interval. European Journal of 神经科学. 25(8), 2483-2490
缅甸人,米. A., 斯塔尔,M. J., & Gewirtz J. C. (2006). Dissociable effects of hippocampus lesions on expression of fear and trace fear conditioning memories in rats. Hippocampus, 16(2), 103-113.
缅甸人,米.A.格维兹,J.C. (2004). Timing of 恐惧 Expression in Trace and Delay Conditioning Measured by 恐惧-Potentiated Startle in Rats. 学习与记忆 11: 205-212.
Neiworth J.,缅甸,M.B.利克泰格,M. (2002). Use of Experimenter-给n Cues in Visual Co-Orienting and in an Object-Choice Task by a New World Monkey Species, Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Journal of Comparative Psychology 116(1): 3-11.
Other scholarly activity
Member DANA allience for brain initiatives.
Ontogeny of limbic system function as it relates to negative emotionality including fear, 焦虑和痛苦.&,