UNE Security
从校园出发:Ext. 366
校外资源,每天24小时可用:1 (888)568-1112
If you are a Portland or Biddeford campus-affiliated student and are currently experiencing a mental health crisis, 你可以拨打(207)602-2549,然后按6,联系正规澳门赌场网络的随叫随到辅导员.
If you need to connect to a local psychiatrist or you are looking for an evaluation for psychiatric medication, 我们的工作人员可以帮助和支持您连接到 正规澳门赌场网络学生健康中心 或以社区为基础的服务提供者,以满足您个人的精神病学服务需求.
有时你可能需要专门的服务. Examples include assessment for ADHD or learning differences or community resources to assist with housing, food, 或者其他帮助. 我们将与您一起联系合适的资源.
如果你即将毕业, 目前居住在州外, 在线学生, or looking to start personal counseling with a local provider your health insurance provider website and the following websites can help you connect with a therapist in your area.
- 匿名戒酒互助社: 800-737-6237
- Al-Anon: 800-498-1844
- 毒品匿名: 800-974-0062
- 中毒控制中心: 800-222-1222
- 缅因州烟草求助热线: 800-207-1230
- 缅因州艾滋病热线:800-851-2437
- 危机应对服务:888-568-1112
- 特雷弗计划,支持LGBTQ社区:866-488-7386或发送“Trevor”至202-304-1200
- 预防自杀热线:800-273-TALK(8255)或短信“START”至741-741
- 虐待儿童热线:800-452-1999
- 虐待老人热线:800-624-8404
- 性侵犯危机和支持热线:800-871-774或TTY 888-458-5599
- 家庭暴力求助热线: 866-834-4357
- 家庭暴力庇护所电话:207-324-1802(桑福德)
- 悲伤儿童中心: 207-775-5216
- Headspace:公众免费试用两周.
- Headspace App(一款正念/冥想应用)学生折扣
- 登录U-Online, 点击学生记录, 然后是注册验证, 然后“提交”到国家学生信息中心, 然后“查看大学生独家优惠”,进入学术津贴, Headspace是其中之一吗
- Headspace App(一款正念/冥想应用)学生折扣
- Calm:七天免费试用. A meditation, sleep, 以及放松应用程序,该应用程序还提供专门用于应对COVID-19焦虑的资源.
- 停下来,呼吸,思考总是免费的,对孩子也一样.
- Insight Timer: Always free. 这不是一个日常应用程序, but rather a great library where you can search for various types of meditations and lengths by excellent teachers.
- 10% Happier:免费和付费选项. 医疗保健提供者可以使用兑换代码HEALTHCARE来解锁所有内容.
- UCLA Mindful应用程序:免费,有戴安娜·温斯顿的冥想.
- 正念的教练:正念教练2.0 was developed to help veterans, service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. 该应用程序提供了一个渐进的, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice.
- Happify:一些免费内容,包括减压和解决焦虑的认知技巧
- 缅因州的LGBTQ资源
- 治疗转诊,信息和支持资源
- 同性恋者的父母、家庭和朋友
- 同性恋者的父母、家庭和朋友(PFLAG) 一个组织是否致力于确保所有人都受到重视和尊重. 会员资格对LGBTQ+个人开放, 他们的家人, 以及倡导平等权利的盟友. 同性恋亲友会在美国各地都有活跃的分会, 让它成为你社区的一个很好的支持来源.
- 美国公民自由联盟
- The 美国公民自由联盟(ACLU) 致力于确保所有年龄段的LGBTQ+, races, 有不同种族背景的人可以在没有歧视和骚扰的情况下生活. 美国公民自由联盟的律师对雇主提起诉讼, 政府组织, 以及医疗保健设施,以确保LGBTQ+个人有平等的就业机会, health care, 公共服务.
- 全国LGBTQ特别工作组
- The 全国LGBTQ特别工作组 is an advocacy group that works to make sure LGBTQ+ individuals have equal access to freedom and justice. Activists work to end discrimination and eliminate barriers for the LGBTQ+ community when it comes to health care, employment, housing, retirement, 以及生活的其他方面.
- 成立于1985年, GLAAD advocates for the acceptance of all LGBTQ+ individuals by working with media organizations to ensure that television shows, news coverage, 广告促进接受,阻止歧视. GLAAD has also organized national marches and other events to increase awareness of important issues in the LGBTQ+ community.
- 双性恋资源中心
- 双性恋资源中心(BRC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of bisexuality and advocating for bisexual visibility. Because bisexual individuals are discriminated against by both heterosexuals and other members of the LGBTQ+ community, BRC的目标是提供支持,并努力建设一个人人享有盛誉的世界.
- 特雷弗计划
- 特雷弗计划 offers a variety of life-affirming programs to prevent suicide among LGBTQ+ individuals under the age of 25. 经过培训的咨询师可通过电话咨询, text message, 以及在需要时提供危机干预的即时消息. 特雷弗计划还为教师和其他盟友提供培训.
- 同性恋和异性恋教育网络
- The 同性恋和异性恋教育网络(GLSEN) 旨在消除学校和其他教育环境中的歧视. The organization conducts an annual survey to determine what it’s like for LGBTQ+ youth to attend public and private schools in the United States. GLSEN also has local chapters working to cultivate safe school environments for LGBTQ+ children and teens.
- LGBTQ+精神病医师协会
- LGBTQ+精神病医师协会(AGLP) members are psychiatrists committed to conducting research to determine best practices in delivering mental health care to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Members also work with the American Psychological Association to influence policy and ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals can live their lives as free from discrimination as possible.
- Forge
- Forge 致力于在跨性别群体中建立复原力. 该组织提供培训和资源来帮助家庭, friends, 专业人士以尊重的方式支持变性人. Forge also has resources available on building healthy relationships as a transgender individual, 与社区成员进行积极的互动, 以及变性人的医疗保健.
- 国家跨性别平等中心
- The 国家跨性别平等中心 works to increase acceptance of transgender individuals and influence policy so that members of the transgender community can work, attend school, 参加社区活动,不用担心受到歧视. 本组织强调机会均等和获得保健的机会均等, safety, 正义是其使命的一部分.
- 它变得更好的项目
- 联合国的使命 它变得更好的项目 赋予LGBTQ+青年力量,提醒他们并不孤单. What started out as a social media campaign is now a global platform that brings LGBTQ+ youth together and promotes acceptance of every sexual orientation and gender identity.
- 跨性别法律中心
- The 跨性别法律中心 employs community-focused strategies to ensure transgender individuals can thrive no matter where they live. 成员们提倡在监狱中平等对待变性人, schools, 卫生保健设施, 和工作场所, 帮助防止歧视,给跨性别群体成员更多的自由.
- 国家女同性恋权利中心
- 随着对种族和经济公正的承诺 全国女同性恋权利中心 促进LGBTQ+个人的平等权利. Members work to influence public policy and educate members of the public on some of the key issues faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community. 必要时,NCLR会提起诉讼,以纠正涉及歧视的情况.
- Mano en Mano
- Mano en Mano 为移民和农场工人提供他们需要的支持, 确保公平获得医疗服务, 政府援助, employment, housing, 以及其他服务.
- Presente! Maine
- Presente! 赋予拉丁裔社区权力, 谁是主要的海产品加工和农业工人, through survival services to combat racism and poverty; transformation education to develop leadership in community members to lead our organization and our movement; and community organizing to transform systems and power structures that impact our community.
- 拉丁/拉丁裔/拉丁裔/西班牙裔治疗师目录
- 缅因州中美友好协会
- 缅因州中美友好协会(CAFAM) 提供论坛及外展活动,以提高市民对中国文化的认识及欣赏. 我们促进非华裔美国人之间的友谊, 华裔美国人, 和中国人民, 是否来自中华人民共和国, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, or elsewhere.
- 南亚精神卫生倡议和网络
- 在缅因州寻找亚洲治疗师
- 日裔美国人社会服务公司(JASSI) -日语咨询服务
- 韩国社区精神健康中心
- 南缅因州犹太社区联盟
- 蓝鸽基金会
- 蓝鸽基金会 提供全球犹太人心理健康和成瘾资源. Resources include treatment facilitators in addition to emotional and spiritual support for individuals.
- 犹太教育项目为犹太青少年和家庭提供的心理健康资源
The MaineHousing网站上列出的避难所提供紧急避难所. MaineHousing supports many of these shelters by providing funds to help with operating expenses and capital improvements. 正规澳门赌场网络你所在地区其他庇护所或资源的信息,请拨打2-1-1.
- 缅因州反性侵犯联盟
- 请拨打1 (800)871-7741 24/7
By County
- 阿鲁斯托克县随时拨打我们的24小时热线
- 1-800-439-2323.
- 佩诺斯科特和皮斯卡塔奎斯: 24 hr 1 (800) 863 9909
- 汉考克和华盛顿县: 24 hr 1 (800) 315 5579
- 肯尼贝克和萨默塞特: 24 hr 1 (877) 890 7788
- Androscoggin, Franklin和Oxford县: 1-800 559 2927
- 诺克斯,林肯,萨加达霍克和沃尔多县: 1-800 522 3304
- 移民资源缅因州中部
- 坎伯兰县: 24/7 1 800 537 6606
- York County: 1 (800) 239 7298
- Wabanaki妇女联盟: (207) 763-3478
- Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians家庭暴力和性暴力倡导中心:(207)551-3639
- 霍尔顿马里塞特印第安人家庭暴力和性暴力倡导中心:(207)532-6401
- 印度乡镇Passamaquoddy家庭暴力和性暴力倡导中心:(207)214-1917
- 和平关系:1 (877)853-2613
- Penobscot印第安民族家庭 & 性暴力倡导中心:(207)631-4886
- 缅因州成瘾和心理健康服务联盟
- Recovery Maine公司.的使命是改善那些与药物使用障碍作斗争的人的生活质量, 通过各种综合, 治疗服务
- 学生被授权结束依赖(S.E.E.D.) reduces substance use among Maine students by engaging them in compelling learning opportunities and messaging campaigns.
- 缅因州药物滥用和药物成瘾热线/全国康复热线
- 1 (866) 210-1303一年365天,每天24小时
- The 缅因州药物数据中心 prioritizes supporting individuals in recovery and the building of recovery friendly communities. 这包括扩大康复中心, 训练康复教练, 推广和增加监禁以外的其他选择, 以及为康复中的人们提供安全可靠的住房选择.
- 太阳会升起基金会 provides free peer grief support for those who have experienced the devastating death of someone they care about due to substance use (drug/alcohol) or overdose.
The following sites offer substantial information on a variety of topics that address medical and psychological issues.
- Ulifeline:这个网站提供了一个匿名的,但支持精神健康信息的链接. 你可以通过互联网下载资料和提问.
- 缅因州2-1-1名录
- 学生在大学及以后的压力和焦虑中生存指南
You may schedule a session with a counselor by emailing or calling your 学生辅导中心. 课程通常为50分钟,由预约安排. 我们也随时准备应对紧急情况和危机.
去比德福德的诊所预约 电子邮件bcstudentcounseling@szyz88.net 或致电(207)602-2549.
在我们波特兰的诊所安排预约 电子邮件pcstudentcounseling@szyz88.net 或致电(207)602-2549.